Zeki Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Hi, I need and looking this font please help me
Thierry Blancpain Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 this looks like a font by the T22-foundry, check them out.
Norbert P Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 ... seems to be based on DIN Mittelschrift (especially "4" and "7"). However, if you take a closer look at the "G" and "2" ...
Zeki Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Themen-Ersteller Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Hi, Thierry Blancpain We have only T26 font families, not T22, in T26's fonts there is no similar %100 to this font, just less similar ones... min font family it is... thx
Thierry Blancpain Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 Geschrieben Oktober 26, 2006 i meant T26 of course, was in a hurry. the p, b and d reminded me of some T26-fonts, but as you checked them, i was probably wrong. if nobody here finds a solution, try the type ID section on http://www.typophile.com - they know nearly everything!
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