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Stag (Schwartzco/Village)

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We are very happy to announce the publication of Christian Schwartz’s

Stag type family through Schwartzco. Stag is Christian’s first “album”

release on his own label after the “single” Local Gothic. Christian is one

of the most wide-ranging and prolific designers working today, types

available through Font Bureau (Amplitude, Farnham), Emigre (Los Feliz),

FontShop (Bau, Unit), and House Industries (Neutraface, Luxury).

Stag was designed for “Esquire” in 2005, and has gotten a great workout

in that magazine. Over the past year Stag has quietly been showing up

in newspapers near you; “The St Petersburg Times”, the Swedish news-

magazine “Fokus”, “Las Vegas Weekly”, Romania’s “Adevarul”...


  • 2 Monate später...

Irgendwie werde ich bei dieser Art von »Serifen« an a, e, s, 3, ... nie wirklich warm (nicht nur bei dieser Schrift).

Die ganz fetten und die leichten Schnitte find ich fein. Die normale und halbfette weiß ich nicht so recht.


>Die ganz fetten und die leichten Schnitte find ich fein. Die normale und halbfette weiß ich nicht so recht.

Anhand des Musters geht es mir genauso.

  • 8 Monate später...

New version: Stag V2

We are very happy to announce the update of Christian Schwartz's very well-received

Stag type family. Released in September of last year, Stag has quickly become a

favorite of publication and branding designers, with its subtle but persuasive personality.

Stag's gently bracketed slab serifs have inspired a raft of wannabes.

With three new weights, Stag's 7 weights range from Thin through Black, and make

a perfect pair with the equally-popular Stag Sans.

(Existing licensees of Stag can upgrade to the new version for US$100.)

Also joining Stag are two amazing Dot variants which are not to be missed.

  • 7 Monate später...

New release: Stag Stencil

Stag Stencil is the latest addition to Schwartzco’s growing Stag family. The faces - a collaboration between Christian Schwartz and Berton Hasebe - were commissioned by Esquire and Red Bull's racing magazine, both of whom wanted Stag’s masculinity amplified by revealing Stag’s “constructedness”. The resulting Stencil faces are unusually organic for the style, which led naturally to stenciling the matching italics.


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