Die Association Typographique Internationale (oder kurz: ATypI) ist eine gemeinnützige typografische Organisation mit Mitgliedern aus über 40 Ländern.
Sie wurde 1957 von Charles Peignot (von der französischen Schriftgießerei Deberny & Peignot) gegründet und ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit besteht seitdem in der Ausrichtung einer jährlichen Konferenz, bei der Schriftexperten und -anwender an wechselnden Orten der Welt zusammenkommen.
Neben der Konferenz sind weitere Ziele der Organisation (zitiert aus den Statuten von 2004):
- to promote the creation of type and to obtain legal protection for types and typography in the form of laws and international agreements;
- to oppose all unauthorized copying with every appropriate means, and
- to ensure among its members the observance of the laws governing the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights and copyrights;
- to support work toward the creation of an international agreement that will specifically protect type and graphic designs;
- to provide an arbitration procedure to decide typographical matters;
- to maintain contact to and co operation with organizations and associations that pursue similar goals;
- to create an international documentation center for typographical issues;
- to establish an information and co ordination center for the members so as to prevent them from being held liable for damages due to ignorance of other people's work;
- to support members in protecting their typographical interests;
- to act as arbitrator in typographical disputes between the members themselves or between members and third parties;
- and finally, to promote a critical understanding of typographical issues through the organization of exhibitions, publications, films, meetings, and other public relations events.